The name's Angel. Sit down and join me.
Phew. That was easy. For now...
Sometimes writing feels like screaming into the void. As someone who enjoys writing and wants to share a few bits that I have concocted in my mind, saying something about myself is daunting. Showing myself is terrifying. I would much prefer to stay in the background and focus on my characters. Let them do the talking.
I often describe myself as an aspiring erotica author but I am not sure this is entirely true. Of course, I want to create explicit erotic scenes because it pleases me, because I want to explore what I can do with the written word (and what I can't) but erotica for the sake of it would not be enough. I consider it an experiment, I want to see where it takes me. But there is so much more I want to play with.
For a while, I have been outlining and crafting a story that just happens to be very sexual, however, sex in the end is not the main theme. My personal aim is to attain a modicum of beauty in my work, to paint a picture on an empty canvas. I am not concerned about how progressive or how backwards I will look. I do not want to fret too much about rules, tropes, morality, profitability prospects or genres because that in the end would lead me to censor myself. Or worse, to distort my ideas so that they may fit into commercially viable material I do not believe in. I am doing this to set myself free. And freedom has a price.
Now, I will tell you this about myself, I am not free. Perhaps no one is. Every person on this planet has limitations. And my limitations deal a lot with time starvation and potential disability. I have been stuck with a professional life that displeases me and robs me of much joy in life. Right now, it is threatening my health, too, which is worrying. I have always been remarkably healthy.
Reading and writing have always been a form of escapism. I have several unfinished manuscripts of all sorts, stories that I want to delve into. If only I could... Well, this is an attempt to finally get something out there. I do have a full novel in me but I decided to release it in little batches of chapters, hence the short 65-page book I have recently self-published. You may think that is a very questionable move. And it is. It definitely is. But I see no other way to make it happen for now, given my circumstances. So, bear with me. I am already working on the next one, and I think I've got this.